Package Deduplicator

Select features
Here you can select which features will be merged from the duplicate elements to the original element

With the actions you can define a number of functionalities when deduplicating:

  • Create duplicate folder collects all the duplicate elements in one package with the name duplicates

  • A trace association is created with create trace

  • When include subpackages is checked the operation will be recursive

  • When rename entity is checked the duplicate element is renamed to the name starting with an underscore

  • Deduplicate connectors also deduplicates the connectors of an element

  • This can be a long running process, with close window checked the window will close when the routine is ready


  • Connector warning diagram gives a popup when closing the window (not yet active)

  • Extended warning dialog is an advanced popup when a duplicate is found during diagramming

  • Suppres warning shows a warming when you add a duplicate element to the repository.

Duplicate report shows a report first of the duplicates (this can be shared with your team members before deduplication

Start deduplicate deduplicates the repository

Package Deduplicator
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes Image


Package Deduplicator

The package deduplicator is the most powerfull deduplicator. It can deduplicate elements in a package and its subpackages. So when selecting the highest level (the root) you will deduplicate the full repository.

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