

Package TEA
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes --


Name Type Cardinality Description
components System.ComponentModel.IContainer 1 - 1Required by the Windows Form Designer
ButtonPrevious System.Windows.Forms.Button 1 - 1--
ButtonNext System.Windows.Forms.Button 1 - 1--
TabPagePattern System.Windows.Forms.TabPage 1 - 1--
DataGridViewPatterns System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView 1 - 1--
TextBox2 System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
Label5 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
TabPagePreceedingModule System.Windows.Forms.TabPage 1 - 1--
DataGridViewPreceedingModules System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView 1 - 1--
TextBox1 System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
Label7 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
Label6 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
TabPageTemplate System.Windows.Forms.TabPage 1 - 1--
GroupBox1 System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox 1 - 1--
RadioButtonConfidencialHigh System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton 1 - 1--
RadioButtonConfidenceMedium System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton 1 - 1--
RadioButtonConfidenceLow System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton 1 - 1--
Label4 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
TextBoxNotes System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
TextBoxProject System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
TextBoxInfo System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
Label2 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
Label1 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
ComboBoxWorkPackage System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox 1 - 1--
ComboBoxTemplatePackage System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox 1 - 1--
TabControl1 System.Windows.Forms.TabControl 1 - 1--
TabPageValidate System.Windows.Forms.TabPage 1 - 1--
TextBox3 System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
ButtonFinish System.Windows.Forms.Button 1 - 1--
GroupBox3 System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox 1 - 1--
GroupBox2 System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox 1 - 1--
CheckBoxPatternSelected System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 1 - 1--
CheckBoxModulesSelected System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 1 - 1--
CheckBoxTemplateSelected System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 1 - 1--
CheckBoxCIAClassification System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 1 - 1--
CheckBoxModuleCreated System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 1 - 1--
CheckBoxCreateInterfaces System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 1 - 1--
CheckBoxPatternInterface System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 1 - 1--
CheckBoxIncludeWerkmap System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 1 - 1--
Label8 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
ComboBoxDiagram System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox 1 - 1--
CheckBoxCloseFinish System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 1 - 1--
Label3 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--


Name Type Description
InitializeComponent --NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. Do not modify it using the code editor.
Dispose --Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
