

Package TEA
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes --


Name Type Cardinality Description
Repository EA.Repository 1 - 1--
oTemplatePackage EA.Package 1 - 1--
oProjectPackage EA.Package 1 - 1--
intDiagramTeller Int32 1 - 1--
oDefinities IDEADefinitions 1 - 1--
ids String 1 - 1--
Finished Boolean 1 - 1--


Name Type Description
Savetranslations ----
ComboBoxDiagram_SelectedValueChanged ----
LoadTemplatesCombo --loading of the combobox with with templates of processing steps based on the sample diagrams
CheckBoxIncludeWerkmap_CheckedChanged --Handling of the include werkmap function to load the grid with extra elements
LoadPrecedingGrid --Load the grid with the elements of the preceding modules available in the repository
ButtonFinish_Click --Process clicking the finish button
ButtonPrevious_Click --Process the activities after the previous button is pressed
SearchReplace StringSearch and replace parts of the text in a package. Works both for elements and diagrams currently not for connectors
HandleButtons BooleanTake care of the previous and next button for the wizard

ButtonNext_Click --Handle the click event for the next button in the wizard
CreateDiagramObject --Create a diagram object for the source and the target elements on the diagram if they do not yet exist
DeleteUnusedPatterns --Routine to delete the unused patterns from the newly created diagrams in the project package
CreateConnector --Create a connector between two elements including the relevant stereotype You have to handle the direction yourself by selecting the source and targetg
ProcessWizard BooleanProcess the selected options in the wizard. Called via the Finish button at the end of the wizard

ProcessButtonNext BooleanHandle the activities for the tabpage selected Loading the next tabages and creating a package etc
FrmArchitectureWizard_Load --Load the wizard form an set the relevant comboboxes etc with data from the select statements


Linked elements