

Package TEA
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes --


Name Type Cardinality Description
oDefinitions IDEADefinitions 1 - 1--
oRepository EA.Repository 1 - 1--


Name Type Description
ToolStripButtonAddDiagram_Click --Add the selected elements in the grid to the currently active diagram
DoSearch --Construct the sql statement for the search based on the various controls and selected values in the aid screen
ToolStripButtonSearch_Click ----
ToolStripMenuItemSmallIcon_Click ----
ToolStripMenuItemList_Click ----
ToolStripMenuILargeIcon_Click ----
ComboBoxColumn_SelectedIndexChanged ----
ComboBoxLayer_SelectedIndexChanged ----
LoadListView --Load the listview of selected archimate element stereotypes for the search window
LoadImageList --Load the imagelist of the archimate symbols with a trick from the resources of the addon
FrmArchiMaid3_Load ----


Linked elements