Connector class for the menu options etcetera for the AddOn the functions are called from the EA application Here all the connection points from the EA application are defined

Package TEA
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes --


Name Type Cardinality Description
menuAssistant String 1 - 1--
menuFormFactory String 1 - 1--
menuDocumentImport String 1 - 1--
menuGitConnect String 1 - 1--
menuArchiMAID String 1 - 1--
menuNoDataFault String 1 - 1--
menuSolutionWizard String 1 - 1--
menuSettings String 1 - 1--
menuPackageReporter String 1 - 1--
menuElement String 1 - 1--
diagramElement String 1 - 1--
diagramDeduplicator String 1 - 1--
menuText2ArchiMate String 1 - 1--
menuHelper String 1 - 1--
menuDeduplicator String 1 - 1define menu constants
menuDiagramDeduplicator String 1 - 1--


Name Type Description
EA_Disconnect ----
EA_OnNotifyContextItemModified --Call the deduplicator check screen when this is activated
EA_MenuClick --Handle the click of a menu item and call the relevant underlying routine
EA_GetMenuItems ObjectCreate the menu's for the IDEA AddOn menu, the explorer and the diagram canvas the array of options is dynamically created based on the user settings

OpenFormForElement --Activate the specific helper window based on the stereotype of the active element
EA_GetMenuState --check of the IDEA menu needs to be enabled (when a project is opened) or not
IsProjectOpen Booleantrue if a project is opened in EA Based on this the menu is shown

EA_OnPostCloseDiagram --Save the diagram direct to a file
EA_OnPostOpenDiagram --Check for the diagram helpers to see if they need to be opened See ArchimAid and DatAid
EA_OnPostNewConnector BooleanGive a message when someone creates a connector to a deleted or obsolete element Specific for the NS

EA_OnPreDeletePackage BooleanWhen a package is deleted first check for the wastebin function in IDEA

EA_OnPreDeleteElement BooleanWhen an element is deleted first check for the wastebin function in IDEA

EA_Connect [String]--


