
Class for all kinds of helper routines, it is the base for all the other routines and classes in the library When possible shared functions are used so this functions like a function library

Package DLAFormfactory
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes --


Name Type Cardinality Description
AssertionOn Boolean 1 - 1make this true to create assertions, not relevant any more since we can use the debugger
SuppressWarningDialog Boolean 1 - 1--


Name Type Description
ReadCsvFile DataTableRead a csv file and transform it to a datatable

EAString2DataTable DataTableTransform an sql resultset string to a datatable

@returns Datatable filled with datarows
EAString2DataSet DataSetTransform a Sparx dataset string to a usable dataset in VB

SQLForEAP StringTransform a statement and make it relevant for an eap file (is an access sql statement)

SQL2DataSet DataSetTransform a statement to a dataset Preferably use the sql2datatable command

CheckUniqueElement BooleanCheck if an element is unique or not based on the name and stereotype

@returns True for unique
IsUserGroupMember BooleanIs current login user member of a security group

@returns True when login is groupmember
ExecuteModifySQL --Execute a modify statement (insert update delete etc)

@returns Success or not
Table2CSV StringTransform a datatable to a CSV text

@returns CSV string
String2File BooleanWrite a string to a textfile

@returns Success or not
DefaultTaggedValues BooleanCreate a list of tagged values for the attribute based on the tagged value defined in the repository This makes it possible to create the tagged values based on this routine It makes use of a config setting that you can define to limit the tagged values created

DefaultTaggedValues BooleanCreate a list of tagged values for the attribute based on the tagged value defined in the repository This makes it possible to create the tagged values based on this routine It makes use of a config setting that you can define to limit the tagged values created

DefaultTaggedValues BooleanCreate a list of tagged values for the element based on the tagged value defined in the repository This makes it possible to create the tagged values based on this routine It makes use of a config setting that you can define to limit the tagged values created

ConvertStereotype2Type StringConvert a stereotype to an objecttype for creating an element of the right type for the stereotype

Error2Log --Error message to the error logfile
SQL2DataTable DataTableTransform a selectstatement to a datatable object

@returns A filled datatable
DebugAssertion --Make a popup of a specific message
Error2Log --Write an error message to the error log
SQL2Log --Write a SQL statement to the logfile
Text2ClipBoard --Insert a text to the windows clipboard
SetProgressBarInit --Initialize the progressbar with a min and max value
InitCap StringTransform a name to a name with an initial capital character

GetRepository EA.RepositoryGet an instance of the repository the IDEA addon is currently connected to

@returns Curenty Open Repository object
SelectedGridRows2DataTable DataTableTransform a list of selected rows in a datagrid to a datatable

@returns Datatable with only selected items as rows
PackageTree2String StringRecursively build a list of package ids from the package tree under a rootpackage

@returns List of packageids in een comma separated text string


