
Class for the HTML generator. Various functions to generate HTML pages and snippets from the elements in the repository

Package TEA
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes --


Name Type Cardinality Description
ForReading -- 1 - 1--
ForWriting -- 1 - 1--
sPath String 1 - 1--
sHome String 1 - 1--
sTemplate String 1 - 1--
oSBSiteMap StringBuilder 1 - 1--
oALDiagrams ArrayList 1 - 1--
oALPackages ArrayList 1 - 1--
oALElements ArrayList 1 - 1--
oDef IDEADefinitions 1 - 1--
blnCreatePDF Boolean 1 - 1--
blnCompositeClickable Boolean 1 - 1--
Repository EA.Repository 1 - 1--
_Templates HTMLTemplates 1 - 1--


Name Type Description
Generate --Generate the documentation based on the first package
DeleteFilesInFolder --delete all the files available in the publication folder
MaakDocumentVoorPackage --Create a document for the package content
MakeDiagramMap StringPublish a diagram and all the elements to a html page
Element2Map StringConvert an element and a diagramobject in a diagram to a map tag in a html construction. In here a number of calculations and transformations are needed

PublishSiteMap --Write the constructed sitemap to a file
PubliceerPackage --Publish a package to html
ProcessSQL2Template StringProcess sql statement for various templates for an element

MaakSiteMapURL --Create a sitemap url for a package or diagram. With diagram you can define a tree like structure
SaveDiagramImage --Write the diagram to disk as a png file on a standardized location
PubliceerElements --Publish all the elements found based on an array of found elements
PubliceerDiagrams --Publish all the diagrams based on an array of found diagrams
PubliceerHTMLPagina --Process all the elements etc based on the collection of html templates
PubliceerSubPackages --Publish the subpackages of a package
PubliceerRootPackage --Publish the package content to Html pages
FullFileName StringMake a full file name of the html file including the path and the extension

Export2HTML --Write the processed string to a file and do some processing for the tags
MaakURL StringCreate a html href tag from the filename and the title

ReadHTMLTemplate --Read the template from a template file on the disk
New ----
CheckAndRemoveElement BooleanRemove a package from the list of elements based on the id

@returns Success
CheckAndRemovePackage BooleanRemove a package from the list of packages based on the id

CheckAndRemoveDiagram BooleanCheck if a diagram is processed and if so remove it from the list of to be processed diagrams

CheckAndAddItem BooleanCheck if a diagram is already processed by the publisher and if not add it to the list of ready to process diagrams

CompositeClickable Boolean--
Templates HTMLTemplates--
CreatePDF BooleanCreate a pdf of the packages that are processed and contain diagrams



Linked elements