
Form for ArchiMate modeling that combines searching and a toolbox to prevent creating duplicates See also the screen description

Package TEA
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes --


Name Type Cardinality Description
oRepository EA.Repository 1 - 1--


Name Type Description
Savetranslations ----
FrmArchimAID_Load ----
TextBoxSearch_TextChanged ----
ButtonViewBrowser_Click ----
ButtonTechnology_Click ----
ButtonTechnologyStructure_Click ----
ButtonTechnologyBehaviour_Click ----
ButtonTechnologyPassive_Click ----
ButtonCreateOnDiagram_Click ----
ButtonAddElement_Click ----
DoSearch --Search for the selected elements based on the keyword and the selected archimate concepts
ButtonSearch_Click ----
ButtonApplication_Click ----
ButtonApplicationPassive_Click ----
ButtonApplicationBehaviour_Click ----
ButtonApplicationStructure_Click ----
ButtonBusinessLayer_Click ----
ButtonBusinessPassive_Click ----
ButtonBusinessBehaviour_Click ----
ButtonBusinessStructure_Click ----
AddTechnologyPassive --Add an array of technology passive stereotypes
AddTechnologyBehaviour --Add an array of technology behaviour stereotypes
AddTechnologyStructure --Add an array of technology structure stereotypes
AddApplicationPassive --Add an array of application passive stereotypes
AddApplicationBehaviour --Add an array of application behaviour stereotypes
AddApplicationStructure --Add an array of application structure stereotypes
AddBusinessPassive --Add an array of business passive stereotypes
AddBusinessBehaviour --Add an array of business behaviour stereotypes
AddBusinessStructure --Add an array of business structure stereotypes
ButtonMotivation_Click ----
ButtonImplementation_Click ----
AddMotivation ----
AddImplementation --Add an array of implementation stereotypes
ClearListBoxConcepts --Clear the combobox etc when you select a new stereotype
