
Class for normalizing a datatable imported from an excel sheet

Package TEA
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes --


Name Type Cardinality Description
_DataTable DataTable 1 - 1--
_ResultDT DataTable 1 - 1--
Percentage Int32 1 - 1--
Optimize Boolean 1 - 1--
Repository EA.Repository 1 - 1--
oRoot EA.Element 1 - 1--
RootFieldNames List(Of String) 1 - 1--


Name Type Description
GetRepositoryConnector DLAFormfactory.DataSet2RepositoryGet a connection to the active repository for further processing of the normalizer

CreateRootAttributes --Create the attributes in the root element (the startup object element for the normalizer)

CreateRootElement BooleanCreate a root class element (mostly based on the excel sheet name in the normalizer

CreateFieldCombinations BooleanCreate a normalized table in the repository based on the normalization results

CreateEnumerations BooleanCreate an enumeration in the repository based on the generated result set of the normalizer

EvaluateEnumeration BooleanEvaluate if a field is an enumeration

FieldsToString StringTransform a list of fieldnames to a comma separated text string

EvaluateCombination BooleanEvaluate if a combination of fields is a normalization combination

EvaluateDataTable DataTableProcess the fieldnames for enumarations and various fieldcombinations for normalization

CheckExist BooleanCheck weather a list of fieldnames exists in the normalization definities

AddResult --Add a row to the result datatable with a suggestion for a normalization/enumeration
New --Create a result datatable for doing a proposal for normalization and lookup definitions
DataTable DataTableconnection to the datatable



Linked elements