
Dataset container for the IDEA simulator

Package DLAFormfactory
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes --


Name Type Cardinality Description
objDS DataSet 1 - 1--
Repository EA.Repository 1 - 1--


Name Type Description
AddEnumeration BooleanAdd an enumation to the system table in a structured format

Attributes2Dataset BooleanBring the attributes from an element to a datatable (columns)

AttributeType2Control String--
Connectors2DataSet BooleanCreate connectors in the dataset from the connectors in EA

DefaultLookup BooleanWhen there is no lookup defined create a lookup based on the scope public of the attributes

Inheritance2DataSet BooleanTransform the inheritance structure to a list of datacolumns in the datatable

AddControl BooleanAdd a control to the controls system table

AddConditions BooleanAdd a constraint collection from the ea element and transform it to a validation calculated field

AddControl BooleanAdd a control to the systemtable with controls

AddCalculatedColumn DataColumnAdd a calculated column based on an expression

AddColumn DataColumnAdd a column to a datatable with extra parameters for dbnull

LookupToCommand BooleanTransform a Lookup definitie to a SQL select statement

AddPrimaryKey BooleanAdd a primary key to the datatable based on a column name

AddColumn DataColumnAdd a datacolumn to a datatable in a default format

SaveDataToXML --Save the dataset to a XML file
LoadDataFromXML --Load the datatable content from a XML file
LoadDataFromSQL --Load the tables from a sql data source
GetDataViewFromTable DataViewGet an empty dataview for a table

GetCommandForTable DataTableGet a commands from the system table with commands

GetEnumeration DataTableGet an enumeration from the enumeration system table

GetControlsForTable DataViewcreate a view with a list of controls for a table

CreateRelationTable BooleanCreate a system table for the relations for processing in the simulator and the form factory

CreateEnumerationTable Booleantransform an enumeration to the content of the enumeration system table

Table2Where Stringcreate a where statement for a datatable

DataTable2List StringTransform a datatable to a search select statement

@returns Select
DataTable2Detail StringTransform a datatable to an one row select statement

@returns Select statement
DataTable2Update StringTransform a datatable to an update statement

@returns Update statement
DataTable2Delete StringTransform a datatable to an delete statement

@returns Delete statement
DataTable2Insert StringTransform a datatable to an insert statement

@returns Insert statement
Column2ParaMeter StringTransform a columnname to a default parameter template

@returns Parameter template
AddRelation BooleanAdd a relation between the parent and the child object and combine it with a defined lookup

AddCommand BooleanAdd a command to the command systemtable

AddExtraTable BooleanAdd extra tables to the dataet for various system settings of the simulator

CreateCommandTable BooleanCreate the structure of the sys_command datatable

DataTable2Command BooleanTransform the datatables in the tables collection to sql statments for insert update etc

CreateControlTable BooleanCreate a control table and define the columns Control table is relevant for the simulator user interface

AddTable DataTableAdd a datatable to the dataset

AddTable DataTableAdd an empty datatable to the dataset

New --Instantiate the simulator dataset container
ContainerDataSet DataSetGet the dataset with the simulator elements

@returns Dataset
GetDataTable DataTableGet a datatable from the dataset by name

