
Helper class for transforming output from the Sparx API in a more usable format within a DotNet (windows) application.

Package DLAFormfactory
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes --


Name Type Cardinality Description
_Repository EA.Repository 1 - 1--
fouten String 1 - 1--
_Package_id String 1 - 1Bewaar de package property voor het aanmaken van elementen in dit package


Name Type Description
AddConnector EA.ConnectorAdd a connector to the reposity with a connector name

@returns Added connector or nothing
AddConnector EA.ConnectorvAdd a connector to the repository

@returns The added connector or nothing
FindElementByTaggedValue EA.ElementSearch for an element by tagged value (for keys from an external system

@returns The found element or nothing
FindPackage EA.PackageFind a package by name

FindElement EA.ElementSearch for an element by name and stereotype

@returns The found element or nothing
FindOrAddPackage EA.PackageFind or add a package based on the name use this call when a memo is available

FindOrAddElement EA.ElementFind or add an element including a memo

@returns Element found or added
FindOrAddElement EA.ElementFind an element by name and stereotype

@returns Found element or package
Search or add an element by name and stereotype

@returns Element found or added
FindPackage EA.PackageFind an element by name

@returns Return the element when found otherwise return nothing
Find a package by name

@returns The found package or nothing
AddUMLElement EA.ElementAdd a new UML element instead of an ArchiMate MDG item

AddPackage EA.PackageAdd a package to the model based on the name and a memo text Developed for the Dutch Air Traffic Control

AddElement EA.ElementAdd an element to the repository

ConvertAssociationStereotype2Type StringConvert a stereotype of a connector to a connectortype

@returns Name of the connectortype
ConvertStereotype2Type StringConvert a stereotype to an objecttype

@returns Name of the objecttype
AddOrUpdateTaggedValue --Add or update a tagged value to an element
GetTaggedValue StringGet a tagged value content for an element

@returns Tagged value content
AddOrUpdateTaggedValue --Add (when not exist) or update a tagged value from a datarow with a different tv name
AddOrUpdateTaggedValue --Add (when not exist) or update a tagged value from a datarow
AddAttribute EA.ElementAdd an attribute to an element

ProcessMappingDefinitions EA.ElementProcess the mapping definitions that are used for the import of the excel sheet to the repository

AddElementAndConnectorValue EA.ElementCreate a new object and connector to the repository

AddElementAndConnector EA.ElementProcess a datarow for import to transform to a new element and association in EA

Repository EA.Repositoryinclude a reference to the repository as that saves typing

Package_Id StringReturn the stored package id



